HCM City to have up to 300,000 job vacancies in 2021

Enterprises in HCM City will seek between 270,000 and 300,000 employees this year, according to the municipal Center of Forecasting Manpower Needs and Labour Market Information (FALMI).
HCM City to have up to 300,000 job vacancies in 2021 ảnh 1Illustrative photo (Source: VNA)

HCM City (VNA) - Enterprises in HCM City will seek between 270,000 and 300,000 employees this year, according to the municipal Center of Forecasting Manpower Needs and Labour Market Information (FALMI).

Demand comes from business-trade, which accounts for 20.16 percent of the total, electronics-IT with 10.96 percent, services with 7.25 percent, mechanics-automation with 5.6 percent, and logistics-warehouse-port services with 5.41 percent.

According to FALMI, 85.8 percent of vacancies are for trained workers.

In the first quarter, enterprises with stable post-pandemic operations and demand for expansion will have 70,000 to 75,000 vacancies, mostly in business-trade, services, garment-textile-footwear, food processing, chemistry-rubber, customer services, logistics-warehouse-port services, IT, and tourism-hotel-restaurant.

The following two quarters each will see demand for 68,600 to 74,400 workers, especially those skilled in IT-electronics, mechanics, chemistry-rubber, architecture, logistics-warehouse-port services, finance-banking, real estate, and tourism-hotel-restaurant.

Up to 77,100 jobs will be on offer in the last quarter, during which companies intensify production and business to meet demand related to the Lunar New Year (Tet) holiday. More staff will be needed in temporary and part-time positions.

The city’s workforce structure, meanwhile, will see a higher percentage of workers in the industry, construction, and services sectors and fewer in the agro-forestry-fishery sector.

Some 65.81 percent of the workforce of more than 4.8 million will be in the services sector, 32.45 percent in industry and construction, and 1.74 percent in agro-forestry-fishery./.

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