HCM City to relocate factories

All 21 polluting factories in Dong Hung Thuan Ward in HCM City’s District 12 will be relocated or switch to other businesses before the end of the year.
HCM City to relocate factories ảnh 1Tham Luong Canal in Dong Hung Thuan ward, HCM City’s District 12, is badly polluted by wastewater from production establishments (Photo: VNA)

HCM City (VNA) - All 21 polluting factories in Dong Hung Thuan Ward in HCM City’s District 12 will be relocated or switch to other businesses before the end of the year, according to the city’s Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

Of them, 16 will move to the Le Minh Xuan Industrial Park No 3 in outlying Binh Chanh district, two will themselves find places to relocate and the remaining three will switch to other businesses.

Residential area No 4 and 5, where the 21 factories are situated, are the city’s two hotspots of pollution caused mainly by textile and dyeing, paper, and package production plants.

The production establishments use outdated technologies and infrastructure and affect the neighbourhood with their noise, wastewater and fumes.

The department in cooperation with the District 12 People’s Committee has set up a team to help the 21 plants with the task.

It has also worked with other relevant departments to draft preferential policies with respect to loans and interest rates to smooth the task of relocation.

Of the 16 that will move to the industrial park, 14 have contacted the department’s Environment Protection Fund to get soft loans.

The department has petitioned the city People’s Committee to quickly issue land-use documents for those of the 21 that have yet to get them. Land-use rights certificates will help them raise money by selling or mortgaging their lands.

Seven of the 16 that will move to the IP have received them.-VNA


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