HCM City’ tourism promoted in Thailand

The Ho Chi Minh Department of Tourism and the Vietnamese Embassy in Thailand have freshly teamed up to organise a programme promoting the southern metropolis’ tourism charms in Bangkok.
HCM City’ tourism promoted in Thailand ảnh 1At the event (Photo: VNA)
Bangkok (VNA) – The Ho Chi Minh Department of Tourism and the Vietnamese Embassy in Thailand have freshly teamed up to organise a programme promoting the southern metropolis’ tourism charms in Bangkok.

The June 21 programme popularised tourist destinations in Vietnam and HCM City with a focus on the city’s wellness-related tourism products. Promotional video clips were screened and a business networking event took place as part of its course.

In his remarks, Ambassador Phan Chi Thanh said the countries’ tourism cooperation, including medical tourism, sees great potential and favourable conditions for development to benefit locals and international travelers.

The diplomat stated that HCM City is not only a leading economic and political hub but also a notable destination for medical tourism. With a modern and high-quality healthcare system, coupled with the continuous development of local health facilities, the city is expected to become an ideal destination for visitors seeking to improve their health and experience excellent treatments.

HCM City’ tourism promoted in Thailand ảnh 2Ambassador Phan Chi Thanh speaks at the event (Photo: VNA)
Vice Director of the municipal Tourism Department Bui Thi Ngoc Hieu said she hopes that with years of experience in building and designing tourism products related to healthcare and wellness, Thailand's hospitals, healthcare facilities, and tourism experts will share experiences and provide suggestions to support the development and improvement of Vietnam's nascent medical tourism products.

Ruben Toral, Director of Health & Wellness at QUO Global, said he believes that Vietnam has many advantages to develop medical tourism. However, there is still much work to be done in developing the related infrastructure and brands in order to find a unique path for future development, he noted.

Before Thailand, the HCM City delegation of more than 20 local travel agencies and hospitals, headed by Hieu, came to Phnom Penh for a similar promotion programme./. 

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