Hanoi (VNA) – Minister of Health Nguyen Thanh Longhas affirmed that Vietnam’s vaccine strategy has been a success in threeaspects.
Presenting a report on COVID-19 prevention and control and theimplementation of the Resolution No.30/2021/QH15 during a meeting of theNational Assembly’s Committee on Social Affairs in Hanoi on October 19, Longsaid Vietnam has so far signed contracts and agreements for 191 million vaccine doses, whichwill increase more in the near future, thus ensuring full vaccination for people at and above 18 as well as aged 12-17.
The second aspect is the research and production of COVID-19 vaccines and medicine. According to the minister, since very early, Vietnam hasactively worked to access transfer of vaccine production technologies from theUS, Russia, China and Cuba while promoting domestic research vaccines, so as to avoid theimpacts of disuption in the global supply of medical equipment, medicine and vaccines.
The third aspect is the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, which is thelargest of its kind ever in the country. Long said the ministry is urging localities to accelerate the vaccination pace, stressing that vaccine coverage is very important to re-opening and the plan on safely and flexibly adapting to the pandemic.
About vaccinations for children, especially those below 12, the minister said caution is needed because all vaccines were developed in a very short time so there is notenough time to assess all of the vaccines' impacts.
Long also stressed that under the Politburo's conclusion on vaccination, the Government has so far beenresponsible for ensuring enough vaccines for residents free of charge. TheHealth Ministry is also preparing for plans to offer booster shots, based on international practice and guidance of the World Health Organisation.
As for treatment medicine, in accordance with the Resolution No.30/2021/QH15 and theResolution No.86/NQ-CP, the Government has allowed enterprises to import materials beforeapplying for production in order to stay proactive in COVID-19 medicine supply in thefuture, he said.
At the event, the minister also gave explanation on some issues regarding thefight against the pandemic and the implementation of the NA’s ResolutionNo.30/2021/QH15./.