Health sector reviews organ donations

As of 2013, Vietnam has successfully carried out over 900 cases of kidney, liver and heart transplants, medical professionals noted at a conference in Hanoi on November 16.
As of 2013, Vietnam has successfully carried out over 900 cases of kidney, liver and heart transplants, medical professionals noted at a conference in Hanoi on November 16.

They also pointed that 12 medical facilities nationwide are competent at conducting human tissue and organ transplants.

At the conference, participants highlighted the health sector’s achievements in human tissue and organ transplantation, which is essential for patients who suffer organ function failures.

However, they also stressed that many medical facilities do not currently meet patients’ requirements due to poor equipment and the scarcity of tissue donated for transplants.

Speaking at the event, Deputy Health Minister Nguyen Thi Xuyen said the establishment of the National Regulating Centre for Human Organ Transplants shows the sector’s efforts to utilise tissue transplants in the treatment of incurable diseases.

Domestic experts and those from Taiwan also discussed demand for corneal transplants.-VNA

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