Fees for visa and temporary residence card applications will be increased by 15-35 USD, effective in January.
Under a new circular issued by the Ministry of Finance, the fee for a single-entry visa will rise from the current 25 USD to 45 USD.
Multiple-entry visas will be classified into one-month, six-month and over-six-month validity, with fees of 65 USD, 95 USD and 135 USD, respectively.
Fees for one year, two-year and three-year residence cards will be charged for 80 USD, 100 USD and 120 USD respectively./.VNA
Under a new circular issued by the Ministry of Finance, the fee for a single-entry visa will rise from the current 25 USD to 45 USD.
Multiple-entry visas will be classified into one-month, six-month and over-six-month validity, with fees of 65 USD, 95 USD and 135 USD, respectively.
Fees for one year, two-year and three-year residence cards will be charged for 80 USD, 100 USD and 120 USD respectively./.VNA