Ho Chi Minh’s example be followed practically

Each Party cell and each Party member in State run enterprises should learn and follow President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example in a practical manner and apply his ethics to their work, a senior Party official has said.
Each Party cell and each Party member in State run enterprises should learn and follow President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example in a practical manner and apply his ethics to their work, a senior Party official has said.

Truong Tan Sang, deputy head of the Central Steering Committee for the “Studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s moral example” Campaign, was speaking in Hanoi on April 19 during his review of how the campaign is progressing in centrally-run stated-owned enterprises (SOEs).

Everyone who works in these enterprises should draw up their own action plan and take part in the campaign to make it a success, said Sang, who is a Politburo member and Permanent Secretary to the Communist Party of Vietnam’s Central Committee.

He urged Party cells in these enterprises to promote the results achieved by leading members of the campaign to encourage more individuals to follow Uncle Ho’s moral example.

Studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s teachings mean improving ones virtues and preventing and combating detrimental political thoughts, while leading a moral lifestyle and fighting corruption, waste, social evils and other negative phenomena.

In response to the campaign, 27 affiliate sub-committees from the centrally-run SOEs’ Party Committee have held congresses where the members directly elected to the standing committee include the secretary, the vice secretary of their committees on a trial basis.

These trial direct elections indicate that democracy in the Party has been enhanced and the responsibilities of both Party members and Party committees have been augmented.

While encouraging these outcomes, the centrally-run SOEs’ Party Committee has vowed to continue implementing the campaign with many diverse and practical activities to change the awareness of workers, officials and party members about how to live and follow late President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example./.

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