Hoi An college to host Irish design event

The Irish Design Exhibition 2015 will be held at Phan Chau Trinh private college, Hoi An ancient city, the central province of Quang Nam from December 21 to 25.
Hoi An college to host Irish design event ảnh 1The event's poster (Source: internet)

Quang Nam (VNA) - The Irish Design Exhibition 2015 be held at Phan Chau Trinh private college, Hoi An ancient city, the central province of Quang Nam from December 21 to 25.

The event, to be jointly organised by the college and the Irish Embassy in Vietnam, will showcase designs in wood, stone, garments and weaving, besides fashion, architecture, interior decoration and animated film design, as well as various products by Irish designers.

The Irish Design Exhibition 2015 is an initiative with an Irish heart and an international reach, and involves a year-long exploration of the value of design. It is part of the Irish Government's Action Plan for Jobs.

The exhibition is an opportunity for students at the college to explore culture, technology studies and designs from Ireland, thus promoting renovation studies among them.

Tourists can visit the exhibition from 8am to 4.30pm every day from December 21 to 25 at the college hall, No 2, Tran Hung Dao Street, Hoi An city.-VNA


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