Hollywood filmmaker joins Vietnam project

Hollywood filmmaker David Hardberger has joined a comedy film project directed by Vietnamese director Phan Minh.
Hollywood filmmaker David Hardberger has joined a comedy film project directed by Vietnamese director Phan Minh.

Hardberger, who is famed for his involvement in popular movies such as Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979), Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982), Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983), The Lord of The Rings (2001), and Charlie Wilson's War (2007), accepted the role of director of photography in Trum Co (Grass Raiser), a comedy about grass-farm owner Moc Lam's crazy adventure in Vietnamese show-biz circles. Despite his success in raising grass in the countryside, Lam decides to sell his farm to realise his dream of becoming an event organiser.

Lam then falls into various embarrassing situations in the city.

The movie gathers three noted comedians: Viet Huong, Tran Thanh and Thu Trang.

The film, a joint project by Galaxy ME and Viphim, has been shot since May 22, and is planned to be screened at cinemas in September.

Hardberger said he was completely won over by Minh's previous film Toc Do va Duong Cong (Speed and Curves), which encouraged him to join Minh's current film to try working with a developing film market such as that in Vietnam. He also wanted to bridge the gap in filmmaking styles between Vietnam and the United States.-VNA

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