HCM City (VNA) – Many stocks listed on the Ho Chi Minh StockExchange (HoSE) continued to enjoy positive growth in December, the southernbourse said.
The benchmark VN-Index on the bourse crossed the 1,000-point threshold, topping1,103.87 points – the highest level in the year and up 10.05 percent from theprevious month. Meanwhile, VNAllshare, which consists of those in the VN100 andthe VNSmallcap, rose 11.39 percent from late November and 22.09 percent fromearly 2020 to 1,032.41 points, and the VN30 was up 10.86 percent to 1,070.77points.
Several sectors experienced sharp growth such as finance (VNFIN) which was up18.53 percent, materials (VNMAT) up 14.21 percent, and utilities (VNUTI) up11.85 percent.
Also in December, more than 13.6 billion shares were traded on the bourse atthe total value of 286.27 trillion VND (12 billion USD), increasing 63.08percent and 59.85 percent from the previous month, respectively.
The average trading value and volume soared 45.95 percent, and 48.9 percent tomore than 12.44 trillion VND, and 591 million shares.
For the whole year 2020, average 335.5 million shares were traded at the valueof 6.29 trillion VND per session, increasing 83.84 percent and 52.41 percentyearly.
Particularly, covered warrant became an attractive investment channel forinvestors since the bourse saw a surge in trading in the year. Average tradingvolume reached 11.5 million contracts worth 20.84 billion VND per session, ayear-on-year growth of 301 percent and 190 percent, respectively.
As of December 31, 392 codes, three close ended funds, seven exchange tradefunds (ETF), 118 covered warrants and 33 bonds were listed on the HoSE. Morethan 99.73 billion shares were listed with total listed market capitalisationof 4.08 quadrillion VND, accounting for 67.59 percent of the GDP in 2019./.