Human resources in digital era to be hot topic of APEC meetings

APEC economies will participate in a high-level policy dialogue on human resources development in the digital era in Hanoi on May 14 and 15, as heard at a press conference by the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs on May 10.
Human resources in digital era to be hot topic of APEC meetings ảnh 1illustrative photo (Source: VNA)

​Hanoi (VNA) – APEC economies will participate in a high-level policy dialogue on human resources development in the digital era in Hanoi on May 14 and 15, as heard at a press conference by the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs on May 10.

The APEC 2017 National Secretariat said the dialogue is considered a highlight of APEC activities this year, as human resources are among key solutions to economic development.

The dialogue will focus on the topics of employment and workforce challenges in the digital era; policies and models for vocational training amid the 4th industrial revolution; and social welfare policies that need amendments.

Through these issues, cooperation frameworks on job creation, vocational training and social welfare will be tabled.

Dao Quang Vinh, Director of the Institute of Labour Science and Social Affairs and deputy head of the APEC 2017 National Secretariat, said Vietnam expects to devise an action plan that could provide the groundwork for APEC economies to enhance engagements in the field.

On the sideline of the dialogue, a number of meetings were scheduled between May 11 and 15. They consist of two separate conferences on labour market information in the digital era and boosting social welfare in APEC region on May 11 and 12; a conference to review preparations for the dialogue on May 13; and a meeting of the APEC Human Resources Development Working Group on May 14.

About 200 APEC activities are set to take place across Vietnam this year.-VNA

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