Hungarian PM wishes to boost multi-faceted ties with Vietnam

Hungarian PM wishes to boost multi-faceted cooperation with Vietnam

Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban has expressed his wish to reinforce all-round ties with Vietnam via the Party and Government channels in such fields as economy, tourism, and education-training.
Hungarian PM wishes to boost multi-faceted cooperation with Vietnam ảnh 1Hungarian PM Viktor Orban (L) and General Secretary of CPV Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong (Source: VNA)

Budapest (VNA)
– Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban has expressed his wish to reinforce all-round ties with Vietnam via the Party and Government channels in such fields as economy, tourism, and education-training.

He made the wish while meeting the media together with visiting General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong following their talks and witnessing the signing of cooperation documents in Budapest on September 10.

Orban said both sides have agreed to further lift their ties to the comprehensive partnership level, as well as hailing Vietnam as an especially successful country with an annual economic growth of 6 percent. He forecast that in the next decade, Vietnam will become one of the world’s fastest growing countries.

As Hungary holds a particular strength in science-technology, the country wants to engage in Vietnam’s development via an official development assistance (ODA) programme, he said, adding that Hungary always encourages its firms to invest in Vietnam.

The host said the early enforcement of the Vietnam-EU Free Trade Agreement will bring great benefits to all parties concerned.

Towards the 70th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties, Orban conveyed his hope that the Hungary Culture Centre will be inaugurated in Vietnam by 2020.

The two leaders said they discussed each country’s situation as well as reviewed and outlined major orientations towards further developing bilateral ties.

In order to lift two-way trade in the near future, they called for attention to improving investment policies and environment, so as to create favourable conditions for the two countries’ businesses to meet and seek cooperation opportunities.

The Hungarian side vowed to offer support for Vietnamese goods to have greater presence in the country while Vietnam welcomes Hungarian businesses to invest in the fields of Vietnam’s demands and Hungary’s strengths.

In education-training, both sides will work closely together to effectively use scholarships that the Hungarian government has provided for Vietnam, thus meeting Vietnam’s demand for human resources in the long term.

With regards to joint work at multilateral forums, they agreed that each global issue needs to be settled via dialogue and peaceful means, on the basis of respecting independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of nations and their right to self-determination, international law, and the United Nations Charter.

The Vietnamese side expressed support for Hungary in expanding coordination with ASEAN member states, and joining cooperation mechanisms beneficial to the European nation. Hungary backed Vietnam in strengthening the comprehensive partnership with the European Union.

The two sides agreed to foster consultation and coordination at international organisations and forums to which they are members, towards stepping up effective and practical dialogues and multilateral cooperation.

The Vietnamese Party chief affirmed that amidst complicated developments in the region and the world, Vietnam has always and will continue to treasure its traditional friendship and comprehensive partnership with Hungary, considering the European nation a top partner in central Eastern Europe.

He believed that realising the comprehensive partnership and reached agreements will lift bilateral ties to a greater height for the long-term benefits of the two countries’ people.

In the morning the same day, the Vietnamese leader and his entourage laid a wreath at a square dedicated to national heroes in the capital city. –VNA


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