Keyword: "illegal wildlife trade"

27 Result

Network of journalists on investigating illegal wildlife trade makes debut

Network of journalists on investigating illegal wildlife trade makes debut

A network of journalists on investigating and preventing of illegal wildlife trade made debut in Hanoi on June 13, aiming to help share information, strengthen capacity and coordinate in the implementation of communication activities, contributing to preventing the illegal trade and consumption of wildlife in Vietnam.
USAID launches new campaign against illegal wildlife trade

USAID launches new campaign against illegal wildlife trade

The US Agency for International Development (USAID), in partnership with Vietnam CITES Management Authority, launched a campaign on November 11 called “Ngung tao nghiep” (Stop karma), to call for an end to the illegal trade of ivory and pangolin scales in Vietnam.
Singapore to ban sale of elephant ivory from 2021

Singapore to ban sale of elephant ivory from 2021

The Singaporean government said on August 12 that it will impose a blanket ban on the domestic sale of elephant ivory and products from 2021 as a campaign against illegal wildlife trade is being tightened.
Wildlife crime becomes more serious in Vietnam

Wildlife crime becomes more serious in Vietnam

As wildlife-related crimes are able to generate profits almost equal to those from the trafficking of drugs, firearms, and human beings, they are quickly becoming increasingly more of a threat to Vietnam, according to an official from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Vietnam.
Short-film making contest on illegal wildlife trade launched

Short-film making contest on illegal wildlife trade launched

The UK Government, in conjunction with the Luang Prabang Film Festival, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), has launched a short-film making contest on illegal wildlife trade, said the UK Embassy in Vietnam on June 12.
Wildlife trade fight needs community

Wildlife trade fight needs community

Vietnam will put more focus on engaging the local community in combating the illegal wildlife trade. The remark was made at a regional workshop held in Hanoi.
Prime Minister meets with Prince William

Prime Minister meets with Prince William

Britain’s Prince William is on his first visit to Vietnam where he takes part in an international conference on illegal wildlife trade in the fight to protect elephants, rhinos and others.