Importance of VN-Cambodia ties confirmed

Vietnam attaches a great importance to its relations with Cambodia and will make every effort to nurture their bilateral traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation.
Vietnam attaches a great importance to its relations with Cambodia and will make every effort to nurture their bilateral traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation, said a senior Party official.

Hoang Binh Quan, a member of the Communist Party of Vietnam’s (CPV) Central Committee and Head of its Commission for External Relations, stated this at meetings with several of Cambodia ’s leaders during his visit to the country from February 14-15.

Quan, who doubles as the Special Envoy of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, was received by King Norodom Sihamoni, Chairman of the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) and President of the Senate Chea Sim, Vice Chairman of the CPP and Prime Minister Hun Sen, and Honourary Chairman of the CPP and President of the National Assembly Heng Samrin.

Quan informed his hosts about the outcomes of the CPV’s 11th National Congress, saying that agreements adopted at the congress were a profound summarisation of the theoretical and practical issues of socialism construction and of Vietnam’s national defence during its 25 years of renewal; 20 years of implementing the CPV’s 1991 Political Platform; 10 years of performing the 2001-2010 socio-economic development strategy and five years of executing the Resolution made by the 10th National Party Congress.

The documents were the essence of the will and desires of the entire Party and people, the continued confirmation, perfection and development of the Party’s renewal policy and a foundation for the country to become a modern industrialised nation by 2020, he said.

The Cambodian leaders thanked Party General Secretary Trong for sending his special envoy to inform them about the CPV’s 11 th National Congress, which reflects the time-honoured friendship and mutual trust between leaders of the two nations.

They said they believed that, under the sound leadership of the CPV with Nguyen Phu Trong as its General Secretary, the Vietnamese people would successfully implement the 11 th National Party Congress’s Resolution and reap even greater rewards, thereby building Vietnam into a modern industrialised country by 2020.

The Cambodian leaders used the occasion to thank the Party, government and people of Vietnam for the valuable support and assistance they had extended to Cambodia during their past struggles for national liberation, escape from Pol Pots genocidal regime as well as in national reconstruction and development.

They also resolved to strengthen and enhance the traditional friendship, comprehensive and long-lasting cooperation between Cambodia and Vietnam for benefit of both peoples.

As part of his visit, Quan held talks with Say Chhum, Head of the Standing Committee of the Permanent Committee of the CPP’s Central Committee, and worked with senior officials from the Commission on Foreign Affairs, the Commission on Propaganda and Information and the Office of the CPP Central Committee, as well as leaders from FUNCINPEC Party./.

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