According to the officer, the ministry’sInvestigation Police Agency has recently prosecuted and investigated severalcriminal cases involving healthcare, finance, banking, securities and realestate, including cases at Viet A Technologies JSC, FLC Group and Tan HoangMinh Group. The investigations have drawn public concern and support,Xo noted.
However, a number of individuals have takenadvantage of the incidents to publish false and unverified information throughsocial networks, which are supposed to be violations of other individuals and businesses.
The posts have attracted a large number of views,comments and shares saying competent agencies will prosecute and handle these individuals and businesses, the spokesman added.
He noted that the posts have triggered publicconcern, made investors feel insecure, harmed the domestic financial and stockmarkets, adversely affected the reputations of investors and enterprises, andcaused economic losses.
Given this, the ministry has instructed competentforces to consolidate evidence and resolutely handle those who have publishedfalse and unverified information, contributing to creating a stable and healthybusiness environment, the officer said.
The ministry has also asked people not to spreadsuch information, he emphasised./.