Jakarta (VNA) - Indonesian Minister of NationalDevelopment Planning Bambang Brodjonegoro has believed that the country’s economicgrowth rate will reach 5.4 percent in 2017, higher than the Asian DevelopmentBank (ADB)’s forecast of 5.1 percent.
More economic activities will be carried out in the second halfthan in the first half, he said on September 26, adding that there is stillhope to achieve an economic growth rate of above 5.1 percent.
In its economic publication of the Asian Development Outlook(ADO) 2017, the ADB, based in Manila, the Philippines, has projected theIndonesian economy has the potential to grow at 5.1 percent in 2017 and 5.3percent in 2018.
The latest publication has also forecast the government’sspending will be able to support the economic growth in the second half of2017.
The Indonesian governmenthas set the target of economic growth rate for 2017 at 5.17 percent, fallingslightly from the assumption of 5.2 percent in the revised state budget.-VNA