Indonesia prepares for IMF-WB meeting

As many as 30 helicopters will be prepared to evacuate heads of state who will attend the IMF-World Bank meeting from October 8-14, 2018 in case of a tsunami and earthquake.
Indonesia prepares for IMF-WB meeting ảnh 1IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde in her recent visit to Jakarta. (Source: ANTARA)

Jakarta (VNA) - As many as 30 helicopters will be prepared to evacuate heads of state who will attend the IMF-World Bank meeting from October 8-14, 2018 in case of a tsunami and earthquake, according to Antara news agency.

"In the event of a disaster, the evacuation of the head of state will use helicopters in the process, one head of state standard evacuation process in 10 minutes," Antata quoted Gede Made Jaya Serataberana, head of the UPT Centre for Disaster Management Operations (Pusdalops PB) of the Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency of Bali Province I, as saying.

In addition to three main venues for the meeting, most hotels in the Nusa Dua area have been trained for evacuation processes and have been certified for disaster preparedness, equipment completeness, and evacuation tools.

The military, police, National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), and IMF-WB national committee have prepared a number of vertical and horizontal evacuation steps to anticipate the possibility of disasters during the meeting, all of which are connected to the "Command Centre".

On the other hand, to anticipate possible eruptions of Mount Agung, evacuation scenarios have been prepared using sea and land routes.

For the evacuation of residents, the hotel has also cooperated with local authorities to prepare areas to accommodate and support the evacuees. Cruise ships with a capacity of 3,000 passengers will also be prepared, while the Navy prepares floating hospital vessels, according to the official.-VNA

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