Indonesian sailors escape from Abu Sayyaf capture

Two Indonesian sailors fled Abu Sayyaf bandits in the southern Philippines after nearly two months in captivity, Indonesian Security Chief Minister Wiranto disclosed on August 18.
Indonesian sailors escape from Abu Sayyaf capture ảnh 1Armed Philippines policemen escort Indonesian national Mohammad Safyan, center, as they leave a hospital in Jolo in Sulu province, in the southern Philippine island of Mindanao, on Aug. 17, 2016, after he escaped from his captors, the extremist group Abu Sayyaf. (Source:

Jakarta (VNA) – Two Indonesian sailors fled Abu Sayyaf bandits in the southern Philippines after nearly two months in captivity, Indonesian Security Chief Minister Wiranto disclosed on August 18.

Ismail, one of the sailors, escaped from the Abu Sayyaf captors on August 17, the same day when his peer, Muhammad Sofyan, also escaped the group.

Ismail is currently at Luuk town while Muhammad Sofyan is in Zambuanga town of the Philippines, the minister said.

Both seamen are undergoing medical check-ups by the Filipino authorities, he added.

Ismail is the chief officer of a tugboat whose seven crew were taken hostage in waters off the Philippines in June.

Nine Indonesian nationals along with scores of foreign nationals remain as hostages by the Abu Sayyaf captors in the southern Philippines.

A total of 25 Indonesian sailors have been abducted by the group this year and so far 16 of them have been released.-VNA


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