Jakarta (VNA) – Indonesia openedthe polls to more than 190 million eligible voters on April 17 in one of theworld's biggest single-day elections.
Voting is scheduled to open at 7 am in Papua and close at 1 pmin Sumatra (local time).
Voters are set to select their president,vice president and more than 20,000 legislators. For the first time, Indonesia is holding itspresidential and legislative elections on the same day, with more than 245,000candidates running for more than 20,000 seats.
Unofficial early results are expected to beannounced later on the day, but the final official results will be made clearby May 22.
The election takes place in the context ofthe country sustaining 5-percent economic growth in half a decade and facingbig challenges, including stagnant economic development and increasing gapsbetween the rich and the poor as well as between localities.-VNA