At the opening session on August 16,delegates, who are experts from nearly 20 countries, agreed that thechallenge is common, facing all countries over the world and suggestedimproving food quality and output through technological application.
In Vietnam, about 20,000 hectares of rice fields are lost toindustrialisation and urbanisation each year. And about 30 percent ofthe total rice growing area will be submerged if sea level rises by onemetre.
The experts exchanged views in depth issueson food safety and security in Asia, and orientations to secure asustainable supply of food.
During the two-dayevent, they are expected to focus on challenges to Asia in order toensure safety of new bio-products, food processing technologies, amongothers.
The conference’s President, Prof. TakashiUemura from New Zealand’s Lincoln University, said that reports ontechnologies relating to food safety and security, delivered at theconference, will help improve the lives and social welfare of people inthe world./.