Int’l Odonto-Maxillo-Facial Conference opens in HCM City

The 13 International Odonto-Maxillo-Facial Conference opened in Ho Chi Minh City on July 16 to share state-of-the-art technologies in the field.
The 13 International Odonto-Maxillo-Facial Conference opened in Ho Chi Minh City on July 16 to share state-of-the-art technologies in the field.

Over 500 Vietnamese dentists across the country and well-known colleagues from the US , Australia , Colombia , China , the Republic of Korea , the Philippines and Thailand shared experiences in applying the latest technology in plastic surgery, orthopaedics and dental implants.

According to Dr. Lam Hoai Phuong, Director of the National Odonto-Stomatology Hospital , the Vietnam ’s odonto-maxillo-facial sector has obtained breakthrough achievements in science and technology, quickly upgrading to adopt advanced techniques from around the world.

He added that hosting the conference was an important opportunity for Vietnam to learn about advanced technology in health care from the world’s odonto-maxillo-facial sector.

The conference will run until July 17./.

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