Bangkok (NNT/VNA) – Political clarity andcontinued economic expansion have bolstered investor sentiment to its highestlevel in seven months and prompted analysts to forecast the Thai stock markethitting 1,826 points by year’s end.
President of the Federation of Thai CapitalOrganizations (FETCO), Paiboon Nalintarangkul, revealed that investor sentimentfor the next three months has surged by 12.01 points to 120.6, the firstinstance of such fervor in seven months.
The positivity has been attributed toclarity in the political situation and Thailand’s continuing economicexpansion, two factors many see as only improving over the next three months.
Risk factors outlined for the period include the US-China trade war, a policyinterest rate hike by the US Federal Reserve and foreign capital inflows andoutflows.
The Investment Analysts Association (IAA) hasreleased its own set of results from a survey of analysts and fund managers,revealing the majority see the Thai stock market as peaking at 1,826 points andaveraging 1,818 points this year on the back of political certainty, domesticgrowth and good performance among listed companies.-NNT/VNA