Investors expect to open more trading accounts and be allowed to buy or sell stock the same day thanks to a draft circular on transaction instructions which the State Securities Commission (SSC) is compiling to submit to the Finance Ministry before being issued.
At first, investors could only sell existing stock and were not permitted to sell the same stock the same day, said Nguyen Son, the head of the SSC’s Stock Market Development Department.
According to Vietnam ’s regulations, investors could only open a trading account and were not allowed to buy or sell the same stock the same day. However, many investors found loop-holds to open more accounts in different names or traded by proxy, making it difficult for State agencies to manage and control accounts, transactions and stock prices, said Son in an interview with the Vietnam Financial Times.
So, easing the regulations not only solves problems in trading and improves the markets liquidity, but also enables the securities transaction office and the SSC to control and make ownership transparent, added Son.
Vietnam ’s securities market has experienced 10 years of operation and the original regulations needed to change in line with international rules to ensure management and control to prevent market speculation.
The move is expected to not only ease investors’ operations, but will also make it easier for securities companies to trade and develop the market, bringing Vietnam securities closer to international regulations./.
At first, investors could only sell existing stock and were not permitted to sell the same stock the same day, said Nguyen Son, the head of the SSC’s Stock Market Development Department.
According to Vietnam ’s regulations, investors could only open a trading account and were not allowed to buy or sell the same stock the same day. However, many investors found loop-holds to open more accounts in different names or traded by proxy, making it difficult for State agencies to manage and control accounts, transactions and stock prices, said Son in an interview with the Vietnam Financial Times.
So, easing the regulations not only solves problems in trading and improves the markets liquidity, but also enables the securities transaction office and the SSC to control and make ownership transparent, added Son.
Vietnam ’s securities market has experienced 10 years of operation and the original regulations needed to change in line with international rules to ensure management and control to prevent market speculation.
The move is expected to not only ease investors’ operations, but will also make it easier for securities companies to trade and develop the market, bringing Vietnam securities closer to international regulations./.