Islamic Organisation to send delegation to Myanmar

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has agreed to send a high-level delegation to Rakhine state of Myanmar to study the situations of Muslim Rohingya minority.
Islamic Organisation to send delegation to Myanmar ảnh 1A photo of the special session. (Source: EPA/VNA)

Kuala Lumpur (VNA) – The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has agreed to send a high-level delegation to Rakhine state of Myanmar to study the situations of Muslim Rohingya minority.

Anifah Aman, Malaysian Foreign Minister said that the agreement was reached at a special session of Foreign Ministers of the OIC in Kuala Lumpur on January 19.

International assessment of Rakhine state’s current situations will benefit the Government of Myanmar as it will be able to stop the allegations that the Government has abused and suppressed the Rohingya minority, said the minister.

Earlier on the same day, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said that Malaysia will donate 10 million MYR (about 2.3 million USD) to help Rakhine state build educational and health facilities.

The special session of the OIC Foreign Ministers aims to tackle the crisis involving Rohingya minority in Myanmar, with the participation of representatives from 41 out of 57 country members.

Myanmar refuses to recognise the Muslim Rohingya as one of its ethnic groups and regards them as illegal immigrants from the neighbouring country of Bangladesh, even though many have lived in this country for generations.-VNA


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