Japan appreciates Vietnamese workers’ contribution

The relationship between Vietnam and Japan has been increasingly strengthened, especially in labour cooperation. This has created opportunities for Vietnamese workers to find jobs in Japan. Youthful,

The relationship between Vietnam and Japan has been increasingly strengthened, especially in labour cooperation. This has created opportunities for Vietnamese workers to find jobs in Japan. Youthful, high-quality labour forces from South East Asian countries such as Vietnam have helped Japan solve the problem of labour shortages in the context of an ageing population.

Koganei Seiki Company’s Maebashi factory is located in Gunma, known as a hub for manufacturing high-tech engine components. Its state-of-the-art machinery requires high precision techniques. There are 39 skilled Vietnamese workers at the factory who graduated from leading technology schools in Vietnam.

Vietnamese labourers form the second largest foreign community in Japan and are an important labour resource in the eastern Asian nation. The stories of Binh and Dong show that Vietnamese workers have opportunities to work and study effectively and equitably in Japan, which is reputed as a promising labour market. –VNA