Japanese expert hails 12th National Party Congress’s success

The 12th National Party Congress’s theme has devoted space to national protection, making it different from previous events, a Japanese expert has said.
Japanese expert hails 12th National Party Congress’s success ảnh 1The 12th National Party Congress (Source: VNA)

Tokyo (VNA) – The 12th National Party Congress’s theme has devoted space to national protection, making it different from previous events, a Japanese expert has said.

Talking with Vietnam News Agency reporters, Prof. Furuta Motoo, an expert on Vietnam from the University of Tokyo, noted that the Congress’s focus on national defence mirrors the rapid, complicated and unpredictable developments of the regional and international situations.

According to Furuta, Vietnam does not pursue a policy of confrontation but attaches importance to maintaining a peaceful and stable environment while safeguarding the nation.

Lauding the external guidelines put forth by the Congress, the Professor expressed his belief that they will contribute to preserving peace and stability in the region and the world at large.

Another spotlight of the Congress is democracy, he said, quoting the Political Report presented at the event as saying that democracy in the Party is the nucleus to promoting democracy in society.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s re-election as the Party chief demonstrates that the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) attaches importance to the sense of inheritance and stability.

Under the leadership of the CPV, Vietnam won victories during wars against French and US forces and gained stable socio-economic development over the past 30 years of reform, the expert noted.

Regarding Vietnam-Japan ties, Furuta noted his belief that Vietnam’s foreign policy will help enhance the strategic partnership between the two countries and that personnel training will be a promising area of cooperation for the two countries.-VNA


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