JICA-funded agricultural project benefits Binh Thuan farmers

Cultivation of Japanese peppermint started in a 32-ha piloted area in Bac Binh district, the southern central province of Binh Thuan in October 2016, said the Japan International Cooperation Agency.
JICA-funded agricultural project benefits Binh Thuan farmers ảnh 1Illustrative photo (Source: Internet)

Hanoi (VNA) – Cultivation of Japanese peppermint started in a 32-ha piloted area in Bac Binh district, the southern central province of Binh Thuan in October 2016, said the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in Vietnam.

This is part of a technical cooperation project for agriculture development jointly implemented by the provincial Department of Agricultural and Rural Development and JICA, which seeks to grow suitable plants for soil condition in Binh Thuan.

The project also aims to popularise modern irrigation and drainage methods among locals.

It is hoped to improve incomes for local farmers, who are using almost their land for cultivating dragon fruits and cassava.

Japan ’s peppermint is said to have the highest content of attar in the peppermint family.

The demand of peppermint attar is on the rise because it is materials for various products like food and medicine.


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