Journey to Seek Justice for Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange

To seek justice for Vietnamese AO victims, Tran To Nga, a 73 year old woman of French nationality, has sued 26 American chemicals companies which had supplied chemicals for US troops in Vietnam war.
Journey to Seek Justice for Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange ảnh 1Tran To Nga has sued 26 American chemicals companies
which had supplied chemicals for American troops during the Vietnam war. (Source: VNA)
Journey to Seek Justice for Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange ảnh 2Tran To Nga walks with victims of Agent Orange in Ho Chi Minh City on the occasion of the 10th founding anniversary of the Vietnam Association of Victims of Agent Orange. (Source: VNA)
Journey to Seek Justice for Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange ảnh 3Cameraman Scott Sinkler is an accompanion to Tran To Nga in the trip to return to Vietnam to make a documentary about her life and Agent Orange victims. (Source: VNA)
Journey to Seek Justice for Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange ảnh 4She visits the War Remnants Museum in District 3, Ho Chi Minh City. (Source: VNA)
Journey to Seek Justice for Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange ảnh 5Tran To Nga cannot suppress her feelings when meeting again her old friends and colleagues.(Source: VNA)
Journey to Seek Justice for Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange ảnh 6An American film-making team makes a documentary titled “A Marvellous Torch” about the life of Nga and the consequences of Agent Orange in Vietnam.(Source: VNA)
Journey to Seek Justice for Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange ảnh 7Tran To Nga and her old friends and colleagues revisit the old battlefield in Cu Chi. (Source: VNA)
Journey to Seek Justice for Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange ảnh 8She talks to her friends about the lawsuit against 36 American chemical companies.  (Source: VNA)
Journey to Seek Justice for Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange ảnh 9She visits a sponsor centre for Agent Orange victims in Vietnam. (Source: VNA)
Journey to Seek Justice for Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange ảnh 10Sentiments and support of Agent Orange victims are the Tran To Nga’s huge encouragement during her journey. (Source: VNA)
Journey to Seek Justice for Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange ảnh 11Her pain and sympathy with Agent Orange victims trigger Nga to follow the lawsuit to the last. (Source: VNA)

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