Juvenile delinquency on upward trend: police

Juvenile delinquents are on the rise and their crimes are more horrific, according to the Police Department for Administrative Management of Social Order (C64).

HCM City (VNA) – Juvenile delinquents are on the rise and their crimes are more horrific, according to the Police Department for Administrative Management of Social Order (C64).

More than 17,000 law violations have been committed by over 25,000 children and adolescents since the beginning of 2014, including stealing (4,027 cases), robbery (2,105), and public order disturbances (2,035), C64 reported at a workshop in Ho Chi Minh City on November 12.

Police have brought criminal proceedings against 5,667 cases involving over 8,300 offenders, nearly 20 percent of whom were under 14 years old. Notably, prostitution involved boys aged between 12 and 17 has appeared in big cities like Hanoi and HCM City.

C64 Deputy Director Colonel Lam Dung Nam delineated that many families have neglected their responsibility towards their children or spoiled them. Children’s psychology and their personality have been affected in the absence of family support.

Additionally, adverse influences of the market economy and the influx of erroneous thoughts have also impacted the way of thinking and lifestyle of many people, including children and adolescents, he added.

Colonel Dinh Manh Toan, another C64 Deputy Director, urged for more drastic actions to be taken to curb the number of juvenile offenders.

He said communication activities should be held to raise public awareness and measures to rehabilitate young wrongdoers, such as education and vocational training, should be implemented synchronously.

At the workshop, participants shared various examples of managing and educating juvenile delinquents, citing the model in northern Hai Phong city, where the massive engagement of local authorities is instrumental.-VNA


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