KhanhHoa (VNA) - A ship was dispatched by the Nha Trang Maritime RescueCooperation Centre (Nha Trang MRCC) early on February 4 to bring ashore a foreignsailor fallen ill aboard a Marshall Islands-registered vessel.
Nha TrangMRCC Director Nguyen Xuan Binh said Daviron Maglaccion, a Philippine national, wason board the bulk carrier Echo.Gr en route from Singapore to China.
A dayearlier, when the ship was navigating through waters about 200 km southeast of NhaTrang in the south-central province of Khanh Hoa, the 32-year-old suffered stomachpains so severe he could neither eat nor drink. The ship then requested Vietnameseassistance to care for the sailor.
The man’shealth deteriorated, he continued, adding that it was a life-threateningsituation.
Once ashore,he was immediately taken to the Khanh Hoa provincial General Hospital foremergency care.
Binhadded that the Vietnamese ship strictly complied with preventive rules againstCOVID-19 during the rescue mission./.