Specifically, among these animals, which are mainly turtles,lizards, pangolins, monkeys, langurs, nearly 50 individuals were voluntarily handedover by local people, while the remainders were seized in illegal wildlifesmuggling cases.
Most recently, in late February, the Forest Protection Unitof Kon Tum city received a pig-tailed macaque belonging to IIB group (endangered and rare animals) voluntarily handed over by a local man after being persuadedby forest rangers.
In the same month, police in Lam Dong province, also in theCentral Highlands region, arrested Dang Thi Viet Hoai for illegally trading andpossessing a large quantity of wild animals.
Searching Hoai’s house, the police discovered that 70 wildanimals, including 26 civets and 37 bamboo rats, were kept in captivity. Inaddition, in her cold stores, Hoai also stocked squirrel, boar and jungle fowlmeat and three dead weasels./.