Korea-ASEAN Fashion Week opens in Busan

Fashion industry experts and managers from the Republic of Korea (RoK) and 10 member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) kicked off a joint fashion festival in Busan on November 22 ahead of the southern port city's hosting of the ASEAN-RoK Commemorative Summit next week.

Hanoi (VNA) - Fashion industry experts and managers from the Republic of Korea (RoK) and 10 member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) kicked off a joint fashion festival in Busan on November 22 ahead of the southern port city's hosting of the ASEAN-RoK Commemorative Summit next week.

The Korea-ASEAN Fashion Week will last four days, bringing together about 10,000 representative designers, fashion association directors, fashion company executives and spectators from the RoK and ASEAN members.

The rare event has been designed to promote friendship and mutual cooperation between the RoK and ASEAN countries in the fashion sector, particularly in celebration of the ASEAN-RoK Commemorative Summit slated for November 25 and 26.

The main event of the fashion week is the Korea-ASEAN Special Fashion Show, which will be jointly organized by renowned designers from the RoK and 10 ASEAN countries.

The fashion show will showcase a mix of Korean traditional dance and costume, called hanbok; clothes produced by young regional designers, including those from Busan; and a unique fashion performance featuring K-pop singers.

Korean and ASEAN fashion experts and executives will launch their joint cooperation body, dubbed the Korea-ASEAN Fashion Industry Exchange Association.

Fashion industry executives, fashion associations and designers plan to sign the ASEAN Fashion Cluster Exchange Cooperation Agreement, according to the organizers./.


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