Labour inspection campaign in construction sector launched

A labour inspection campaign targeting the construction sector was launched in the northern province of Hung Yen on March 21.
Labour inspection campaign in construction sector launched ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – A labour inspection campaign targeting the construction sector was launched in the northern province of Hung Yen on March 21.

The campaign is co-hosted by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour and the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA), under the auspices of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Dutch government.

It aims to promote compliance with labour regulations and criteria on working conditions and health and safety in order to reduce accidents.

It also looks to raise the awareness of employers, workers and the whole society of labour law as well as safety standards and labour hygiene in the sector, and increase the number of firms and buildings subject to inspection to at least 630 during March-November.

The inspections will focus on working time, overtime work, salary, training on labour hygiene and safety and personal protection vehicles, among others.

Last year, the construction sector accounted for 38 percent of total fatalities at work and 35 percent of reported industrial accidents. Among six major workplace accidents last year, four were recorded at construction sites.

Speaking at the launch ceremony, ILO Country Director in Vietnam Chang Hee-lee said the drive presents an opportunity for labour inspectors to strengthen their advisory role and partner with both employers and employees to achieve compliance with the law.

MoLISA Deputy Minister Pham Minh Huan said the campaign requires the involvement of the entire society, including labour inspectors, trade unions, organisations representing employers, and the mass media.

A pilot labour inspection campaign was executed last year in the textile sector in 12 cities and provinces. It discovered nearly 1,800 cases of violating salary and labour safety regulations in more than 150 textile enterprises.

The inspectors found 19 enterprises breaching labour regulations, and imposed fines amounting to nearly 600 million VND (26,890 USD).-VNA


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