Lang Son (VNA) – The People’s Court of the northern province ofLang Son handed out 11 death penalties and one life sentence to members of aheroin trafficking ring on November 27.
Twelve Vietnamese defendants were found guilty of trafficking thousands ofheroin bricks. They are Vi Van The (born in 1971 and residing in Phu Loc 4 urban area, LangSon city); Hoang Van Song (1957), Vi Van San (1981), Loc Van Ngan (1976), HoangVan Phong (1972), Luu Tuan Hung (1974), Hoang Van Y (1977), Hoang Van Po(1977), Nong Van Hun (1990), and Lang Van Thuong (1971) - all residing in CaoLoc district; Ma Van Khanh (1977, residing in Van Quan district, Lang Sonprovince); and Quach Thi Xiep (1962, residing in Moc Chau district, Son Laprovince).
The, Song, Xiep, San, Ngan, Phong, Po, Y, Hun, Thuong and Khanh received the deathpenalty while Hung got a life sentence.
During the investigation, authorities found that The, the leader of the ring,had handled 112 kilogrammes of heroin. Ngan and Xiep traded a total 40.2kilogrammes and 79 kilogrammes of the drug, respectively.
Under Vietnamese law, anyone foundtrafficking or possessing more than 600 grams of heroin faces the deathpenalty./.