All Vietnamesereturnees must go through body temperature and medical checks at bordercrossings and be immediately put into quarantine at a State-designated facilityfor 14 days.
Theprovincial Border Guard has accelerated efforts to raise awareness about thedangers of the pandemic among villagers living along the borderline. It hassent officials to every village and hamlet to encourage people to stay home andto stop them from illegally leaving the country to work abroad.
Localborder guard stations have also raised funds to provide essential goods for villagerswho have been told to stay home as part of the nationwide social distancingorder.
In addition to theprovincial military school, Lao Cai has set up a quarantine facility at the localcampus of Thai Nguyen University to cater to the increasing number of returnees.
The provincial Department of Health has provided instructions on properquarantine measures and monitored and conducted testing on quarantined people,while the Lao Cai Provincial General Hospital has cooperated with a local urbanenvironment company and relevant agencies to treat waste at quarantine facilities./.