Lao women's union delegation visits Quang Nam

A delegation of the Lao Women's Union led by its President Inlavanh Keobounphan paid a friendly visit to the central province of Quang Nam on July 5-6.
Lao women's union delegation visits Quang Nam ảnh 1At the working session (Photo: VNA) 
Quang Nam (VNA) - A delegation of the Lao Women's Union led by its President Inlavanh Keobounphan paid a friendly visit to the central province of Quang Nam on July 5-6.

The delegation had a working session with Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Phan Viet Cuong, who expressed his joy at the effective cooperation between Quang Nam and southern and central provinces of Laos in recent times, which has focused on supporting programmes and projects in constructing and upgrading schools.

According to Cuong, Quang Nam's authority has supported the construction of a centre for disease control in Sekong province of Laos with a budget of 20 billion VND (over 855,000 USD).

The central locality also effectively implemented scholarship programmes for Lao students to study in Quang Nam, received officials from departments and sectors of Laos to Quang Nam to learn experience, and well handled the marriage registration for people living along the Quang Nam-Laos border.

Speaking at the meeting, Keobounphan expressed her desire that the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the Parties, States and people of Laos and Vietnam will be more and more fruitful and sustainable in the future.

She hoped that the women’s unions of Laos and Vietnam in general, and those of Sekong and Champasak, and Quang Nam will continue to strengthen experience exchange and sharing;  actively coordinate with each other in international and regional forums; and improve the effectiveness of cooperation, contributing to further deepening the traditional friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos in general, and relations between Quang Nam and Lao localities in particular.

In the framework of their trip, the Lao women visited Tra Que traditional vegetable village in Hoi An city, BestOne cooperative in An Phu ward of Tam Ky city, and the national historical site - the Lower Lao Resistance Base in Phu Ninh district.

They offered incense and flowers at the Vietnamese Heroic Mother Monument in Tam Ky city./.

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