Vientiane (VNA) – Lao Prime Minister ThonglounSisoulith outlined six targets under the country’s Ninth Socio-economic Development Plan for2021-2025 when addressing the ongoing 11th National Congress of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party(LPRP) in Vientiane on January 13, according to the Vientiane Times.
As reported by the newspaper, thefirst goal is to maintain steady economic growth with quality,stability and sustainability.
Secondly, training will be stepped up to ensure people arebetter qualified to meet the demands of development, are able to conductresearch, and know how to use science and technology to add value to goods andservices.
Third, it is essential to improve people’s livingconditions. Balancing environmental needs with a reduced risk of naturaldisasters is the fourth goal.
Fifth, the government will work to strengthen infrastructureand effectively utilise potential, opportunities, locations and participatingregional and international cooperation and integration.
The sixth goal is to enhance the efficiency of statemanagement and administration so that equality, justice and order prevail insociety and people receive protection through the enforcement of laws.
Under the plan, in the next five years, Laos will strive for an annual economicgrowth of 4 percent, and annual average percapita income of 2,887 USD.
The prime minister said the Government will place importanceon stabilising foreign currency exchange rates and the management of inflation.The inflation rate will be kept at a maximum of 6 percent while fluctuations incurrency exchange rates should not be more or less than 5 percent.
The government will ensure that foreign currency reservesare sufficient to buy imports for a period of not less than 3 months and willdo its best to maintain money flow at a rate not exceeding 20 percent per year.Investment will be obtained from various sources to support all forms ofdevelopment and account for 19.6 percent of GDP.
Laos’ 11th National Party Congress opened on January 13 withthe participation of 768 official delegates who represent nearly 350,000 Partymembers nationwide./.