Leaders pay tribute to late President on Party’s founding anniversary

Leaders pay tribute to President Ho Chi Minh on Party’s founding anniversary

A delegation of Party, State, National Assembly, Government and Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) leaders on February 1 paid tribute to late President Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum in Hanoi on the occasion of the 89th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (February 3).
Leaders pay tribute to President Ho Chi Minh on Party’s founding anniversary ảnh 1Leaders of the Party, State, National Assembly, Government and Vietnam Fatherland Front pay tribute to late President Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – A delegation of Party, State, National Assembly, Government and Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) leaders on February 1 paid tribute to late President Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum in Hanoi on the occasion of the 89th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (February 3).

The leaders included Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong, former Party General Secretaries Le Kha Phieu and Nong Duc Manh, former President Tran Duc Luong, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, former NA Chairmen Nguyen Sinh Hung and Nguyen Van An, and President of the VFF Central Committee Tran Thanh Man.

They showed their gratitude towards the late President – the founder of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

The delegation then laid a wreath at the Monument to Heroes and Martyrs.

On the same day, delegations from the Central Military Commission, the Central Public Security Party Commission, the Ministries of National Defence and Public Security, the Party Committee and the People’s Committee of Hanoi also showed their respect to President Ho Chi Minh, heroes and martyrs.

In Ho Chi Minh City, a delegation of the city’s leaders headed by member of the Party Central Committee and Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Nguyen Thanh Phong offered incense at the city’s Martyrs’ Cemetery.

They also paid tribute to the founder of the Party at the city’s branch of the Ho Chi Minh Museum, and late President Ton Duc Thang at Ton Duc Thang Museum.

The establishment of the CPV on February 3, 1930 was an important turning point in the country’s history, marking a milestone on its development.

Over the past 89 years, under the leadership of the CPV, Vietnam has overcome many difficulties and achieved great accomplishments during the reform process.-VNA

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