Hanoi (VNA) – The Ministry of Transport (MoT) has called for more investments to beprioritised for the logistic system in the north central and central coastregions.
This is part ofthe MoT’s recently-issued plan on developing modern, comprehensive andcost-effective transport that also guarantees defence and security for the north central and central coast regions by 2030, with a vision to 2045.
Under theplan, priority will be given to developing a national and internationallogistic system associated with seaports, airports, international border gates,key economic corridors and inter-regional trade routes in 14 provinces andcities, including Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Tri, ThuaThien - Hue, Da Nang, Quang Nam and Quang Ngai.
In addition to the construction of the two airports in the central provinces ofQuang Tri and Binh Thuan, the ministry will upgrade nine other airports alreadyoperational in the region.
A new logisticscentre will be established to facilitate freight transportation activities atDa Nang International Airport and Chu Lai Airport.
The ministryalso plans to develop logistics hubs at airports with an annual transportationdemand exceeding 250,000 tonnes.
Enterprises willbe encouraged to increase investment in container transport, modernisetransport vehicles and cargo handling equipment and improve the service quality.
To achieve theabove-mentioned goals, the ministry will focus on perfecting the system oflegal documents related to construction investment in the form ofpublic-private partnership, application of information technology and creatinga full legal environment for the management and development of the transportmarket.
Priority will begiven to the development of multi-modal transport on corridors, especially theNorth-South corridor and those linking to international seaports to increasethe volume of goods transported and reduce costs. The development of the inlandport system will be stepped up to facilitate the connection between modes oftransport and logistics services.
The MoT will promote the linkage of transport services between modes oftransport; creating favourable conditions for forming large-scale transportenterprises capable of joining domestic-international transport chains.
Regardingtransportation services, the ministry will focus on improving the efficiency oftransport and logistics exchanges, facilitating the connection betweentransport units and goods owners as well as enhancing the transparency of thetransport market.
It will mobiliseall resources and prioritise investment in upgrading essential infrastructureworks to attract more transport enterprises.
The MoT willboost applying information technology in all fields of the transport sector aswell as transport management and operation./.