Lang Senliterally means wetlands with many lotus flowers. Located in Vinh Loiand Vinh Dai communes in Tan Hung district, the reserve coversapproximately 5,030ha, including a 1,500-hectare island and 50 ha oflotus plants.
According to studies conducted by theInstitute of Tropical Biology from 1989-2011, the Lang Sen WetlandsReserve is rich in biodiversity.
It is home to 156kinds of plants, over 160 species of animals and 114 plankton species,with 20 species listed in the Red Book of Vietnam and several includedin the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List ofThreatened Species.
In addition, Lang Sen providesan ideal habitat for migratory and non-migratory birds, like storks,cranes, and cormorants.
However, agriculturalproduction is reducing the area of natural wetlands, thus impacting onthe populations of flora and fauna.
The rapiddevelopment of alien species such as pistia stratiotes and waterhyacinth is also negatively affecting the reserve’s ecosystem.
Besides, timber exploitation, fishing and illegal hunting are pushingseveral animal and plant species into the brink of extinction, includingpythons, grass snakes, cobras, and yellow turtles.
To protect the reserve, the provincial People’s Committee instructed themanagement board to restore the natural landscape and ecosystem, andpromote scientific research and tourism.
Theprovince encouraged local residents and communities to participate inconservation by providing housing and land for cultivation.
It also invested in upgrading infrastructure to support the development of ecotourism.
In the near future, the Lang Sen Wetland Reserve management board willcontinue its sound management of plant and animal species, improve thecapacity of the reserve’s staff, and prohibit production andexploitation methods that harm the sustainability of the reserve and theintegrity of the ecosystem and biodiversity.
Theprovince also pledged to accelerate education and communication effortsin the local community, to intensify international cooperation and touse foreign assistance in effective environmental protection.-VNA