Luc Yen stone carving craft

Home to diversified mineral resources, Luc Yen district in the northern mountainous province of Yen Bai is widely known for its stone carving craft.
Luc Yen stone carving craft ảnh 1A worker in Tan Linh commune carves a stone relief (Photo: VNA)
Luc Yen stone carving craft ảnh 2Stone is carefully selected to make a beautiful artwork (Photo: VNA)
Luc Yen stone carving craft ảnh 3An artwork is made with the help of machine (Photo: VNA)
Luc Yen stone carving craft ảnh 4An artwork is made with the help of machine (Photo: VNA)
Luc Yen stone carving craft ảnh 5Buddhist statues are carved from white marble stone (Photo: VNA)
Luc Yen stone carving craft ảnh 6Buddhist statues are among the most favourable stone carving products (Photo: VNA)
Luc Yen stone carving craft ảnh 7Stone artworks on display (Photo: VNA)
Luc Yen stone carving craft ảnh 8Stone artworks on display (Photo: VNA)
Luc Yen stone carving craft ảnh 9Stone artworks on display (Photo: VNA)
Luc Yen stone carving craft ảnh 10Stone artworks on display (Photo: VNA)

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