Speaking at the Government's regular meeting, held viateleconference, the PM said attention has been paid to cultural and socialaffairs, while social security has been ensured.
“This is also the common assessment of international organisationsand institutions,” he noted.
Regarding the fight against COVID-19, PM Chinh said thepandemic is till under control, adding major pandemic clusters have beencontained.
Some localities have effectively implemented theGovernment’s Resolution No. 68, providing timely support for employees andemployers affected by the pandemic, the PM continued.
All-level Party Committees and the entire politicalsystem should carry forward their role to strictly implement the PM’s relevantdirectives, the government leader said.
“Each agency, enterprise, commune and ward must be afortress to fight against the pandemic, and each citizen must be a soldier in the combat,”he stressed.
For the vaccine issue, the PM affirmed Vietnam’s soundvaccine strategy, further explaining that apart from imports, the Governmentand concerned agencies are working hard to accelerate the transfer and researchof COVID-19 vaccine production technology to produce the vaccines domestically.
Although the work is going smoothly, domestic vaccineproduction and recognition requires more time and must follow strict scientific andlegal procedures, according to the PM.

Forbusinesses, the PM stressed the need to avoid any disruptions in the supplychain while regulations on goods circulation are strictly observed.
PM Chinh said it was time to focus on combating the pandemicbecause a successful fight against the COVID-19 would promote socio-economicdevelopment and facilitate socio-economic recovery.
However,he said, economic development should be maintained to have resources to preventand control the pandemic.
Heasked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to promote vaccine diplomacy and theMinistry of National Defence to support the pandemic prevention and control.
TheMinistry of Public Security was assigned to assist the frontline forces andensure security and order for the people while the Ministry of Information andCommunications was directed to strengthen dissemination campaigns on the workand counter false allegations of hostile forces.
ThePM noted that ministries, agencies, and localities must step up the fightagainst corruption, refrain from acts that cause troubles for the people, andprepare documents for submission to the upcoming second session of the 15thNational Assembly./.