The company said that during this maintenance, it will focuson strengthening risk management and optimising the bidding packagedistribution plans. It will strive to shorten the maintenance period to about43-45 days.
There will be six main bidding packages in which BSR's personnel directly conductthe maintenance of several parts, including the compressor system, rotatingequipment, automation system, and electric equipment.
The last overall maintenance of Dung Quat Refinery tookplace in June 2021.
Dung Quat Refinery, which is located in the Dung Quat Economic Zone, Binh Son districtof central Quang Ngai province, has a refining capacity of 148,000 barrelsper day (6.5 million tones crude oil annually) and can process 67 types ofcrude oil from various parts of the world. The plant’s products include MogasA92/A95 and E5/10; Jet A1/Jet A1K fuels; kerosene; diesel; fuel oil (FO); liquefiedpetroleum gas (LPG); propylene; polypropylene resins and sulfur./.