Malaysia arrests more illegal immigrants

Relevant forces of Malaysia’s Sabah state captured 143 Philippine nationals and 15 Indonesians for illegally entering Malaysia through Sabah.
Malaysia arrests more illegal immigrants ảnh 1Illustrative Image (Photo:

Kuala Lumpur (VNA) – Relevant forces of Malaysia’s Sabah state captured 143 Philippine nationals and 15 Indonesians for illegally entering Malaysia through Sabah.

The information was announced on October 14 by Director of the National Security Council Sabah (KMN) Rodzi Md Saad.

The illegal Philippine immigrants include 118 men and 25 women aged between 13 and 55.

All of those are being held in detention centres in service of further investigations.

Rodzi said KMN has so far this year arrested 2,146 illegal immigrants.-VNA


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