Malaysia devises plan against illegal immigrants

The Malaysian Home Ministry is formulating a holistic enforcement plan against illegal immigrants as a more comprehensive effort towards strengthening governance and improving the existing enforcement operation system.
Malaysia devises plan against illegal immigrants ảnh 1Home Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin says the plan is aimed at addressing the influx of illegal immigrants in the country. (Photo:

Kuala Lumpur (VNA) - The Malaysian Home Ministry is formulating a holistic enforcement plan against illegal immigrants as a more comprehensive effort towards strengthening governance and improving the existing enforcement operation system.

Home Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said the plan will also involve state governments, local authorities, village community management councils and village development and security committees.

The objective of the plan is to create an uncomfortable ecosystem for illegals to continue living here by empowering enforcement agencies and regulatory authorities as well as by enhancing strategic cooperation and public awareness, he said.

The plan will be implemented in five years and focus on five strategies, he added. - VNA 

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