Malaysian investigators probe plane debris for MH370 link

Malaysia has sent a team to verify whether an aircraft wreckage found off the French island of La Reunion on the Indian Ocean was from the missing plane MH370.
Malaysian investigators probe plane debris for MH370 link ảnh 1The wreckage looks like part of the missing plane (Photo: AFP)

Malaysia has sent a team to verify whether an aircraft wreckage found off the French island of La Reunion on the Indian Ocean was from the missing plane MH370.

The French Air Force announced the discovery on July 29 of a two-meter long piece of wreckage off the La Reunion Island’s St.Andre seaside, which appeared to be part of a plane’s wing.

The same day, Boeing officials said the debris looks like part of a Boeing 777, the same model that was used in the ill-fated flight.

The Australian Government said investigators are verifying the origin of the wreckage.

Australian Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss said if the debris is verified as part of the missing plane, this is consistent to the previous analysis that the plane ended its journey in the Indian Ocean.

Malaysia Airlines’ Flight MH370 disappeared on March 8 when carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew members from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

Despite multi-national searching activities, no part of the plane has been found recently. In January 2015, the Malaysian Government announced all people onboard were deemed to have died.-VNA

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