Malaysian PM vows to protect corruption whistleblowers

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad on July 20 affirmed that corruption whistleblowers will be protected by the new Government, led by the Alliance of Hope, reported the Malay Mail newspaper.
Malaysian PM vows to protect corruption whistleblowers ảnh 1Malaysian PM Mahathir Mohamad. (Source EPA/VNA)
Kuala Lumpur (VNA) – Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad on July 20 affirmed that corruption whistleblowers will be protected by the new Government, led by the Alliance of Hope, reported the Malay Mail newspaper.

The government is committed to not only anti-corruption methods but also active cleansing of the current system, the PM said in his remarks at the annual meeting of the Associated Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Malaysia (ACCCIM).

He assured those with information on corrupt activities that they need not fear backlash or retaliation for reporting.

The PM also unveiled that his government will formulate new laws to replace draconian ones that hamper the country’s development.

The Alliance of Hope (PH) is led by Mahathir Mohamad who won the general election on May 10 with 113 out of the parliament’s 222 seats.

The new PM said one of the top priorities for his Government is dealing with corruption and recovering the loss of billions of US dollars from the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) investment fund, which was founded by his predecessor Najib Razak.

On July 10, he required Cabinet members to declare their assets to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and refuse gifts of more value than perishable food and flowers.

This requirement applies to the entire Government, including Mahathir himself, and members of the Parliament.

Malaysian lawmakers are also drafting a law to ensure political parties do not return favours to financial donors that support them. 

Mahathir Mohamad said corruption could only be successfully curbed if the top leaders in the government were truly free from corrupt practices.–VNA

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