Mass inspections launched in garment and textile

Labour inspections are set to be carried out in 150 garment enterprises in 12 provinces and cities nationwide, heard a conference in Ho Chi Minh City on August 3.
Mass inspections launched in garment and textile ảnh 1Illustration Image. Source: VNA

Labour inspections are set to be carried out in 150 garment enterprises in 12 provinces and cities nationwide, heard a conference in Ho Chi Minh City on August 3.

The inspections will focus on working time, salaries, labour safety and sanitation, and other working conditions.

According to Phan Dang Tho, Deputy Chief Inspector from the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, the national inspections aim to boost legal knowledge and law-abiding behaviours as well as to improve working conditions within the garment and textile sector.

It also mobilises the greater involvement of employers and trade unions in the inspection campaign.

After reviewing the 2015 outcomes, the ministry intends to expand the campaign scope to other business sectors, Tho said.

Garment and textile is Vietnam’s key export sector, accounting for 13.6 percent of the country’s overall export turnover and 10.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).

Currently, 6,000 facilities are producing apparel across the nation, creating jobs for 2.5 million workers or 25 percent of the Vietnamese industrial workforce.-VNA

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