Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnam is striving to earn nearly 13.7 billion USD from its export ofmeans of transportation, auto parts, and accessories thisyear from last year's 11.98 billion USD.
The expectation for the record is based on the continuing growth of theexport in the last 12 years with a relatively high yearly rate of 18.4% andthe size of the export value in the first months of this year.
In the first five months of this year, the revenue from the export neared 5.5 billion USD.
From the beginning of this year to June 15, means oftransportation, parts, and accessories are among the few items that saw quitehigh export growth (up 14%) while the total export revenue of Vietnam and 37out of the 45 products have dropped.
Vietnamese means of transportation, auto parts, andaccessories have entered 43 markets all over the world thanks to their lowprices, cheap labour, safety, and suitability to different needs.
Of the 43 export markets, there are 12 with exportrevenues excessing 100 million USD including Japan, the US, the Republic ofKorea, Thailand, Canada, Indonesia, Italia, Singapore, Netherlands, China,Brazil, and Mexico.
Notably, Japan and the US post a revenue of over 1billion USD each. Their combined revenue reached 2.184 billion, accounting for39.7% of total export revenue of means of transportation,auto parts, and accessories.
As many as 28 markets saw positive growth, particularlysix posted increases of over 50 million USD each, namely RoK (up by 152 million USD), Japan (95 million USD), Indonesia (82 million USD),Thailand (75 million USD), Brazil (62 million), and Canada (58 million USD)./.