According to Pham Hoang Mai, Director General of the Departmentof Foreign Economic Relations under the Ministry of Planning and Investment(MPI), Vietnam has 13 WB loan agreements worth 2.42 billion USD currentlybeing implemented.
There are 40 projects currently in preparation forimplementation, with a total capital of 3.22 billion USD. Among these, those prioritised by the WB are mainly in the fields of energy, renewable energy, and railway, digital transformation,emission reduction, and urban development.
However, he noted that the implementation of projects using WBloans still faces some difficulties such as poor project preparation quality; ambiguity indetermining the responsible agencies due to legal gaps, especially for projectsimplemented in many localities; limited expertise and capacity of investors; insufficientqualified personnel; and delays in compensation, land clearance and resettlement.
Kathleen A. Whimp, Operations Manager for the WB in Vietnam,East Asia and the Pacific, underlined the need to shorten the time for implementingprojects.
She said the WB Vietnam also faces challenges in flexiblyadjusting the scope of projects as it must adhere to decisions by the Boards of Directors of the WB. She expressed the hopethat Vietnam's partners, including the Ministry of Justice, project leadingunits, investors, and relevant ministries and sectors, will engage in specificdiscussions with the WB on challenges and discrepancies between the WB’s regulationsand Vietnam’s laws, thus finding solutions.
Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Tran Quoc Phuong saidregarding procedures, regulations, and legal provisions related to official developmentassistance (ODA) projects, Vietnam is currently undergoing the process ofamending relevant laws.
To overcome difficulties and expedite project progress, ministries, sectors,and localities suggested the WB coordinate with the MPI and the Ministry ofFinance (MoF) to review ongoing projects with proposed adjustments, evaluate, andprovide feedback on proposals from agencies and localities.
For new projects, the WB was urged to collaborate with the MoF and relevant agencies to speed up the completion of negotiations and the signing of loan agreements.
Delegates proposed that the WB collaborates with the MPI and the MoF in building potential projects, simplifying procedures, and ensuring harmony with Vietnam's reality./.